Sunday, February 6, 2011

Never a Dull Moment

Welcome to life in Boy Land. This weekend I've been encargada of the house, and yesterday it was just me and my boys. Each one is incredibly unique, each with their own gifts and challenges, as is each day that I spend with them. In case you've wondered what exactly it is that I do here at CB, here is the fast run-down:
My job is part mom, part house-keeper, part nurse, part psychologist, and part teacher. I clean their cuts, dose out their medicine, feed them, pray with them, give them hugs, discipline them when they're bad, do chores with them, fold their laundry, play soccer with them, teach them English, hold them when they cry, and keep them from killing each other. It's awesome. I love my life with them. It's hard and I get frustrated, and I certainly don't always keep my patience perfectly, but I am so glad that God has given me the opportunity to be here with them. He is so good to me. Only He could have dreamed up this up for me. I'll be leaving CB in May to go back to the States for grad school in Occupational Therapy, and the fact that I can use this in the future to make a bigger difference in their lives is one of the few, albeit very good, reasons that keeps me from just staying here. I have no idea what the future holds, but thankfully I know who holds the future :)
I'll do my best to post some pictures of the boys and myself soon. Until next time dear friends, thank-you for your prayers and support. We serve an amazing God who hears us when we cry out to Him. Hallelujah.